Appointments are booked for 15, 30 or 60 minutes, depending on the issue/procedure you wish to discuss with Dr Sellars.
Cosmetic and Breast Reconstruction consultations generally go for 45-60 minutes.
Skin cancer and other reconstructive procedure consultations are usually for 15-30 minutes. Biopsies are 30 minutes.
We appreciate some patients may feel awkward discussing the concern with the secretary when making an appointment, however it is essential that you inform the staff of the procedure or issue you want to discuss with Dr Sellars, so the correct amount of time can be allocated to you.
For skin cancers and mole removal - The initial appointment will be a consultation only, and no extra time for any procedure can be allocated at this time, (eg excision of lesion). Once Dr Sellars has assessed the area of concern, another appointment for excision can be made. This will depend on the site and size of lesion and age and medical condition of patient. The excision of a lesion may also require a more complicated approach other than a simple cut out and may require a skin graft or flap repair
Other factors to consider are - can it be done in the rooms under local anaesthetic or is a sedation or general anaesthetic required, which would mean a hospital admission.
Dr Sellars can perform biopsies at time of consultation if required.